5 SonyRed (a)
18 buttochz (a)
00 Stem
1 slab
4 Selso
11 Shadowseeker
19 the white rose
21 Rock0n
22 Frezy
23 Aries 1
24 Suppoko HZ
35 Demishadow
51 Bob Marley
69 bluesfear
7 Cruncharoo (i)
31 Tien (i)
44 Snail (i)
80 Recreance (i)
99 EthanHunt (i)
Koroshi (l)
Shiat HZ (l)
Win (l)
(c) Captain
(a) Assistant Captain
(i) Inactive
(n) Not on official roster
(l) Left the squad during the season